Candle Care

Commonly Asked Questions

  1. “Do I actually need to trim my wicks?”

Yes! Trimming your wicks before lighting helps keep your wax clean and the fragrance performance at its peak.

2. “Help? I’ve already lit my candle and do not see my message”

To ensure you receive your hidden message make sure you light your BYB candle for 3-4 hours on your first burn to avoid the “tunneling” effect. The only way to guarantee you will see your message is to make sure the melted wax reaches the edges of your candle the first time you light it.

Soy Wax holds memory so your first burn sets up the scene for the entire candle.


3. “How can I make it smell stronger”

Our candles are single wicked, meaning they are made best for smaller rooms, like bathrooms or office space.

BYB’s candles are made with 100% soy way, meaning we don’t include any parrafins or toxic chemicals in our wax.


4. “How do I best care for my candle?”

  • Keep your BYB candle out of reach of children and pets
  • Make sure your first burn is lit for 3-4 hours
  • Place on flat even surface
  • Trim your wicks


5. Can I customize my inside message?
YES! 5 candle order minimum, please check out the “Custom Message” Tab.


6. How big are the BYB candles?

9 OZ